Terms and Conditions of Business & Fees
This is a legal document. Please take time to read it carefully and ask any questions relating to the
terms and conditions below before signing.
LC SCE LTD T/A Showcase Estates (the ‘Agents’) and NAMED PERSONS (the ‘Seller/s’).
The Seller/s has authorisation to sell the said property and has provided adequate proof of identity to the Agent. (Copies needed)
The Property will be marketed at the agreed asking price
FEES & TERMINATION OF CONTRACT PAY ON SALE! - £1250.00 for propertys selling for undr £300,000. For properties at £300000 and more we charge 1%.
5 working days notice must be given in writing to the agent should you wish to terminate this contract to allow for all marketing to cease following this.
The contract cannot be terminated within the first 12 weeks of the date of this agreement.
In the event that the Agent finds an able buyer, but the seller decides not to sell the fees will still be due.
The Agents ask permission to erect display boards at the property to assist in the marketing
of the property. Any such boards will comply with the Town and Country Planning (Control of
Advertisements) Regulations 1987, as amended.
The Seller consents that the Agents may erect a For Sale board at the property. The Agent accepts liability for any claim arising under these Regulations in connection with the board, unless the action arises as a result of a further board being put up by another agent.
The only additional expenses charged by the Agents is :
Provision of a Gas Certificate £45 and/ or EPC at £60
The Agent will, promptly and accurately, forward all offers received from potential Buyers at any
time up until contracts have been exchanged, unless the offer is of an amount or type which the
Seller has specifically instructed the Agents, in writing, not to pass on. A written or computerised
record of all offers received will be kept (including the date and time such offers were received and
the client’s response). This record will be available to the Seller on request.
If the Agent holds the keys to the property, the Agent must accompany any viewings of that
property, unless the Agent and Seller agree otherwise in writing. If the Agent is arranging for
someone to view an occupied property, the Agent must agree the arrangements with the occupier
If access to the property is required by a person on behalf of the Buyer (e.g. surveyor, builder,
tradesman), and the Agent is unable to accompany that person, this must be made clear
to the Seller beforehand and his express permission obtained.
The Estate Agents Act 1979
Under the Act, the Agent must disclose whether they have a personal interest in the property.
The Agent will take all reasonable steps to make sure that all statements, whether written or oral, about the property, are accurate and not misleading. The written details (Sales Particulars) must be sent to the Seller for them to confirm that the details are accurate.
The Agent will not discriminate against any person under the definitions of the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 or the Race Relation Act 1976.
The Agent will not discriminate, or threaten to discriminate against any prospective Buyer of the
Seller’s property because that person refuses to agree that the Agent will (directly or indirectly)
provide services to them.
Discrimination includes:
●Failing to tell the client of an offer to buy the property.
●Telling the client of an offer less quickly than other offers that have been received.
●Misrepresenting the nature of the offer or that of rival offers.
● Giving details of properties for sale first to those who have indicated they are prepared to let the
Agent provide services to them.
●Making it a condition that the person wanting to buy the property must use any other service
provided by the Agent or anyone else.
We are a member of the Property Redress Scheme. More infoirmation can be found at www.theprs.co.uk.
All Personal data will be handled and stored securely and in line with the Data Protection Act 1998
All complaints must be made in writing to Mr Ritesh Chauhan (Director of Showcase Estates) and will be acknowledged in writing within 3 working days. A prompt and proper investigation will then occur. A formal written outcome of the investigation will be sent to the Complainant within 15 working days. A senior member of staff not directly involved in the transaction will deal with the complaint.
Clients may complain to the Property Redress Scheme within 6 months if not satisfied with a final view and details are attached to this contract and this service is free to the public. Information is also available at http://www.theprs.co.uk
Our agreement and these terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law.
Acceptance of terms
I/We hereby agree to the above terms of business. I confirm that I/we have authority to appoint Showcase Estates on such terms.
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