Please read and sign our term and conditions below:
1. Appointment
You hereby appoint Showcase Estates(referred to as “us” or “we” below) as your agent to carry out a property finding service from the date of this agreement. By signing this agreement you acknowledge that you have read our website as at the date of this agreement and understand the services that are included.
2. Liability to pay our fees and/or commission/ other relevant fees
2.1 You hereby agree to pay the relevant fees for the relevant service (as such fees are described on our website as at the date of this agreement). You understand that we cannot commence work until we have received the relevant commencement fee of £250.
2.2 The Property Finding Service entitles us to 3% commission of the sale price (as described on our website as at the date of this agreement), you agree to pay our commissions if:
(a) you exchange contracts for the purchase of, or any other dealing with, any property or land introduced, or previewed on your behalf, by us in the period of our appointment;
(b) you exchange contracts for the purchase of, or any other dealing with, any property or land with a person introduced to you by us during the period of our appointment; or
(c) you occupy (whether under licence, lease or otherwise) any property or land introduced, or previewed on your behalf, by us in the period of our appointment.
(d) for a below market/ distressed sale purchase which is usually below 25% discounted in usual circumstances the buyer will pay the sellers legal fees, this will be included in your terms where necessary up to £1000.
For the avoidance of doubt, the phrase “introduced by us” where used in these terms refers to:
(i) in the context of persons introduced, any person or entity who has become aware of your interest in property in the relevant area as a result of any action taken by us, whether directly or indirectly. Such actions may include, without limiting the range of such actions:
~ our enquiries of, discussions or negotiation with, such persons or their agents;
~ the passing of any information about you or your agents to such persons or their agents or any information about such persons or their agents to you or your agents; or
~ any communications or correspondence (oral, written or electronic) between us and any other person or entity);
even if such actions did not cause the exchange of contracts or occupation; and
(ii) in the context of land or property introduced, any land or property or any interest in land or property which you have become aware of as a result of any action taken by us, whether directly or indirectly. Such actions may include, without limiting the range of such actions:
~ the passing or direction to you of any information about the relevant land or property; or
~ any communications or correspondence (oral, written or electronic) between us and any other person or entity);
3. Payments
Please note that:
(a) if contracts are exchanged and completion or occupation does not take place, you agree that we are still entitled to be paid our commission and these shall be paid (if possible, from any deposit monies) within 10 days of the date that they would otherwise have been due; and
(b) if we have agreed to charge on a time, success or other basis, the payment terms will be confirmed separately in writing.
If any payment due to us is not made within 10 days of the due date we reserve the right to charge interest at 4% above the rate set from time to time by the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England and, in respect of clients who are businesses or public authorities, at the highest rate which we are entitled to charge in accordance with The Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998. You agree to cover our costs if we use solicitors or other persons or institute legal or other proceedings to recover or realise monies due to us.
(c) if contracts are exchanged and completion or occupation does not take place, if agreed as part of the terms the buyer will pay the sellers legal fees up to £1000.
4. Accuracy of information
4.1 We have a legal duty to ensure that all information passed to you about any property is accurate and does not mislead. However, we cannot be responsible to you for the accuracy of any information provided to us by the owners or sellers of properties or their agents. We will highlight inaccuracies in descriptions given if we are aware of any but, unless we have your specific instruction to do so, we will not verify such information provided to us.
4.2 We will strive to ensure that all information given to you about an area is accurate. However, we cannot guarantee any aspects of the area, for example, the provision of services, the availability of school places or the flow of traffic.
5. Other legal and compliance matters
5.1 Data Protection Act 1998
We will retain your contact details and may contact you by mail, e-mail or telephone to let you know about services which might be of interest to you.
If you do not wish your information to be used in this way, please tick this box
You have the right to ask for a copy of the information held by us in our records in return for a small fee. You also have the right to require us to correct any inaccuracies in your information.
5.2 Money laundering
The law requires us to establish your identity. We therefore cannot undertake any work until we have seen or received the original or a certified copy of your passport and a utility bill and a copy of a utility bill establishing your identity. If we are instructed by more than one person, we will need to be satisfied about the identity of each. If you are a company or a partnership, we will need such information for each director or each partner.
5.3 Services to prospective purchasers, tenants etc.
We may offer the following services to you (and these services may also be offered by other persons) in circumstances where our employees[, shareholders, directors] or their partners or their or our families may financially benefit:
(a) valuation and survey services;
(b) financial services;
(c) property management; and
(d) referral to legal services
(e) all other services from time to time.
6. Our services and our liability to you
You are encouraged to take all possible professional advice in connection with any purchase or other dealing with land. Apart from those services described on our website. We cannot be liable to you for any losses, costs or expenses arising from matters which we are not qualified to advise on.
7. Our agreement
By signing the copy of these terms, you and we agree that:
(a) these terms contain all the agreements and understandings between us relating to our services and replace any previous such agreement between us;
(b) in accepting these terms you are not relying on any undertaking, promise, assurance, statement, representation, warranty or understanding (whether in writing or not) of any person relating to our services;
(c) these terms can only be varied with your and our express agreement in writing; and
(d) if a court decides or the law declares that any part of these terms may not apply or are invalid the terms shall continue to apply but as if the invalid or inapplicable part had been deleted from this copy of them.
8. Governing Law
Our agreement and these terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law.
Acceptance of terms
I/We hereby agree to the above terms of business. I confirm that I/we have authority to appoint Showcase Estates on such terms. I/We consent to your disclosure of any information given to you to our legal and financial advisers.
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